Why prelims test series is important For UPSC Examination

Why are prelims test series important For UPSC Examination

Just knowledge is not sufficient for UPSC civil service exam. You will need exam skills and to be familiar with the type of question asked so that you can avoid negative marking. Once you increase the probability of marking the right answer even for those questions about which you are unsure. Regular practice of the right mock test series is essential to acquire these skills.

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How are test series helpful to score more?

Candidates should have approx 120 + Score out of 200 marks to clear the IAS Prelims exam as per the pattern of recent years. Competition is higher therefore scoring above 120 may be difficult. All successful UPSC candidates suggest solving the UPSC model tests.

What is the cost of the IAS prelims test series?

No doubt, price is an important factor that every UPSC candidate considers. IAS prelims test series are very costly in metro cities like Delhi but they are also available at a relatively cheaper price in some institutes. Make sure you don’t compromise on the quality of the mock test series but compare the price. However, Youth Destination provides IAS prelims test series at an affordable price.

What type of questions are asked in the mock test series

UPSC exam is a subject-specific exam so focus on identifying the weak subjects and plan on that basis. You should check the type and pattern of questions added to the test before choosing the right prelims test series. Questions about current affairs also should be included in the test series.

How to select the right mock test

Choosing the right mock test series is crucial for the success in IAS exam. Mock tests play a very important role in clearing the most prestigious but toughest exam like UPSC. So, it is essential to move on the right track because the wrong path can lead you to the wrong destination.

How test series is helpful in revision?

Some candidates perform well in the mock test series but they don’t perform the same in the actual IAS exam. The reason is quite clear as they don’t practice in the right direction. Therefore the importance of choosing the right IAS test series is immense. Practice makes a man perfect and quality practice is possible through the right mock test series for the IAS exam.

Keep in mind all the criteria like time limitation, negative marking and performance while solving mock test series.

Make sure your revision should be done through mock test series.

How can I get feedback from UPSC topper on prelims test series

Before enrolling for the UPSC Prelims test series 2022, you should consult with UPSC toppers in the recent past and their feedback from their interview. You can also consult with your fellow UPSC candidates and seniors.

How can I find the right test series?

First of all, find out the probability of the question and test series which are asked in the actual UPSC exam. Focus on the probability of the question to be asked in the actual UPSC exam rather than on the difficulty level of questions. Some coaching institutes put easy questions and test series so that candidates can attract. They will feel happy to score good marks in test series but in the final exam, they will have to face failure.

On the other hand, some institutes set very difficult question papers to make a conception that the IAS exam is the toughest examination. This creates unnecessary fear among students.

Carefully suggest the IAS prelim test series that gives a true picture of what actually asked in the UPSC exam.

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