Which UPSC Test series can help IAS Aspirant for preparation?

Which UPSC Test series can help IAS Aspirant for preparation?

UPSC is regarded as one of the toughest exams in the country and students preparing for this exam adopt many different strategies and methods to prepare for it.

Different strategies may be suitable for different students, but one thing that is given equal weightage in all the strategies is UPSC test series.

The role that UPSC test series play in a student’s preparation is very important; it allows the student to make a fair assessment of where his/her preparation stands, what are their strengths and what are the gaps that need to be filled.

To help students prepare for the UPSC exams, Youth destination offers a comprehensive set of UPSC Test Series both for the prelims as well as the mains exams. These test series gives students a sense of what to expect in the paper and also helps them appraise their preparations.

In this blog, we’ll look at how the Youth Destination test series are structured and how they can help you prepare for the exam better.

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Features of Youth Destination Prelims Test Series

1. 3 Stage Structure

To help students prepare thoroughly for the exams, the test series for UPSC has been structured in three stages which are Fundamental tests, applied test and Full length tests.

  • Fundamental Tests

UPSC papers not only test how much you know but also how well you know. Therefore, while preparing for these exams you have to cover each & every subject, and, also study those subjects thoroughly.

The Fundamental tests designed by youth destination is crafted keeping these needs in mind. If you think your fundamentals regarding any subject is clear, you can attempt the fundamental test series and make an assessment of your conceptual knowledge.

Both the prelims and the mains can only be cracked if your fundamentals of a subject are clear, and with the help of Youth Destination’s UPSC Test Series you make your basics in every subject strong.

  • Applied Tests

Once you have built a strong foundation of a subject, the next thing is to study that subject in its complete scope and depth. The questions that will be asked in the UPSC exams are generally quite complex and, therefore, you are expected to have an in-depth understanding of all subjects.

The Youth Destination’s Online Test Series for UPSC offers a set of applied test, which not only test your fundamentals but also sees if you have a comprehensive understanding of the subjects. These applied tests help you identify subjects that are your strengths and the ones that you need to work hard on.

  • Full Length Tests

The final frontier when it comes to test series is the “Full Length Tests”. After you have completed the UPSC curriculum and you are confident about your preparations; giving the Full Length tests are an absolute must. The full length tests offered by Youth Destination give you a good sense of what to expect in the papers and help you make a realistic assessment of your chances of cracking the exam.

2. Well researched papers

Be it the prelims or the mains; the test series by youth destination is designed a top R&D team that has many years of experience in training IAS/UPSC aspirants. These tests are prepared keeping the UPSC pattern in mind.

The Youth Destination Test series offers the same level of toughness as you expect from the CSE exam, which makes it the best test series to attempt for your revision.

3. Mains Test Series

The UPSC mains paper is meant to observe the thinker in you. It tests how comprehensive your knowledge is, how innovative you are and how well you can articulate your thoughts on paper.

This paper includes questions from the many general studies subjects and also questions related to current affairs. To prepare for this exam one needs to have a holistic understanding of many subjects and also work on writing skills.

The UPSC Mains Test Series prepared by youth destination gives you a fair sense of the kind of questions you should expect in the paper. It also conducts discussion sessions where you can ask the teachers any query related to the mains paper.

How test series can help…

For students who are seriously pursuing UPSC, a comprehensive test series for UPSC can make a big difference. These mock tests alone can help a student make a realistic assessment of his/her chances of cracking the Civil Services exams. Let us see how these exams can help students to prepare for the exams better:

  1. Preparation – The first and the foremost thing is that it shows you where you stand with respect to your preparations. How much you score in the UPSC Prelims Test Series will help you appraise whether you will qualify for the mains or not. It will also help you identify the subjects and areas that are your strengths and the ones that you need to put more work in.
  2. Practice for real Exam – The UPSC exams are quite challenging and students need to get into the groove of the real exam environment. Attempting a sizeable number of test series will help you get used to the exam environment, and on the day of the exam, you’ll not feel out of place or uncomfortable. It is in fact a great idea for people who have exam fear to attempt as many mock tests as possible.
  3. Helps in improving performance – Before the real exam if you have attempted enough test series; you not only improve your chances of clearing the paper but also get a shot at getting a good rank. And, with a good rank can put yourself on the path of great success as a civil servant.

Aspirants who successfully clear the civil services exams frequently recommend students to try as many test series as possible. Test series is that part of UPSC preparation that can be a bridge towards you and a promising career in the civil services.

Must Read: Why test series is important for UPSC and IAS

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