What are the Common mistakes of UPSC Candidates?

The preparation of UPSC is a long process which makes the whole process very strenuous and mentally taxing. In this process many serious aspirants commit number of common mistakes in the exam. Due to this they score low in the exam which leads to their unpleasant results. But those who cleared the exam besides working hard, they have a proper strategy to tackle these common mistakes.

List of common mistakes committed during preparation according to various IAS Coaching in Delhi.

  • Asking everyone for the strategy:

There is no single strategy to clear civil service. If you look at the strategies of toppers and ias coaching centre in delhi, they differs. Don’t keep asking the strategies of everyone because everyone has different strategy. Thus, design your own strategy which suits you.

  • Unawareness regarding Syllabus: 

Candidates start preparing for the exam without understanding the syllabus clearly.  Keeping syllabus with you always will help you to find the relevant topics.

  • Looping through the different resources:

Don’t follow too many resources because it will waste your time at the end of the day and also large number of resources is difficult to revise.

  • Unaware of the previous years:

Previous year papers hold importance in any competitive exam. It makes the aspirants aware of the latest trend, paper pattern, and important topics which provides the right direction.

  • Not taking proper rest just before the exam: 

If you are not fresh during the exam you may commit mistakes in the exam which can cost you heavily. So take proper rest, good sleep and be relaxed.

  • Reading newspaper in a wrong manner: 

News papers Like – The Hindu, The Indian Express, Times of India Etc. Newspaper is a bundle of knowledge. So, it is important to know ‘What and how to read’ in it. Divide the newspaper into three segments from an exam point of view – Events (that gives facts and figures), Issues (provides views and reviews that helps in developing an individual’s understanding and opinion on contemporary subjects) and Gossips (need to be avoided)

Also, Read: Learn the best tips for your IAS Exam preparation

  • Lack of proper time management:

Time management, the most important things to be kept in mind while preparing for exam because the poor management of time leads to unpleasant results and the hard work of the whole year got wasted.

  • Unbalanced Preparation:

A very common mistake of focusing too much either on the Current affairs or Static portion can lead to failure in the exam. Avoid it.

  • Improper analysis of oneself:

An applicant must know his weakness and strength through proper self-introspection which would help the candidate to keep a consistent grip over the strong areas and to improve the weaker section. While in reality, candidates ignore to analyze their inbuilt capabilities which often leads failure.

Also, Read: What all should you know before appearing for UPSC Exams?

  • Resorting to blind guessing: 

Almost every time a blind guess is wrong. You can take calculated guesses if you are able to eliminate one or two of the options, but don’t go for a blind guess.

  • Filling the OMR sheet at the end:

Many aspirants solve the complete paper first and then fill the OMR sheet in the end. Do not do it because if you miss the serial in one questions, there is a chance of getting other questions wrong also.

  • Analysing one’s own performance in the exam hall itself: 

Do not analyze your performance in the exam hall itself because it may hamper your performance in the next papers.

  • Neglecting CSAT: 

Even if CSAT is qualifying, it should not be ignored because every year a lot of students fail in CSAT and many score very close to the cut off. Therefore, prepare CSAT also by joining any Top IAS Academy in Delhi.

  • Wasting time in Cut Off Speculation: 

After the prelims many aspirants engage in Cut Off speculations of IAS Coaching in Delhi. This activity is totally a time wasting pursuit that will cost you dearly in your final exam.

  • Choosing wrong optional: 

Aspirants need to choose the optional which suits him/her interests and availability of materials in the market because right optional is a key to success.

  • Lack of writing practice:

The lack of writing skills will hinder the prospect of a candidate to clear the selection process. An aspirant should work on the facts and have a fluent flow of knowledge which is presented in a skillful manner. The aspirants should focus on exam pattern oriented writing rather than improving writing skill.

  • Avoiding notes making: 

Don’t be in the trap of imperfection. Be with proper notes because at the end of D-day if you will not able to revise the whole syllabus or topics it may cost you your whole one year.

  • Lack of Revision:

In order to keep good hold on the information gained during the preparation it is necessary to revise frequently. Reading ‘something new‘ and revising the ‘old one‘ should be in parity on the daily basis.

  • Not maintaining proper balance between health and studies: 

There should be proper balance between health and studies because if you don’t care about your health then it will cost you many days if you fall ill and also mental stress. This will affect your studies ultimately.

However, as quoted by various IAS coaching centers in Delhi, it is very important to improve presentation skills to score good marks. Analyze your preparation and learn from yesterday to crack the exam.

Have a great preparation!!

Also, Read: Top 5 Guides to Help You for the UPSC Exam

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