ADB to provide loan to improve water supply in Himachal Pradesh

ADB to provide loan to improve water supply in Himachal Pradesh

Recently the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of India signed a loan agreement worth USD 96.3 million to provide clean drinking water and improve water supply and sanitation services in Himachal Pradesh.

Key points of this project:

  • The project is in line with the Government of India’s objective of Jal Jeevan Mission, which aims to provide piped water to all rural households by
  • It will upgrade water supply infrastructure, and strengthen institutional capacity to ensure safe, sustainable and inclusive rural water supply and sanitation services.


  • Improvement in water supply infrastructure: Although more than 90% of the rural population of the state has access to drinking water. There is a need to improve the water supply infrastructure for efficient and better service quality.
  • Sewage Management Programme: A pilot program on sewage sludge management and sanitation will also be implemented in Sirmour district, benefiting 250,000
  • Strengthening of Jal Shakti Department: This project will strengthen the capacity of Jal Shakti Department of Himachal Pradesh Government and Rural Water and Sanitation Committees in Gram Panchayat (Local Government).
  • It will support the state government’s water tariff policy reforms, and introduce asset management systems at the state level and district asset management plans.
  • Water management related training will be provided to key project stakeholders and community based organizations, including livelihood skill training for women SHGs.

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

  • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a regional development bank. It was established on December 19, There are total 68 members in ADB. India is the founding member of ADB.
  • Of the total members, 49 member countries are from the Asia-Pacific region, while 19 members are from other regions. It aims to promote social and economic development in Asia.
  • As of December 31, 2019, the five largest shareholders of ADB are Japan and the United States (each with 6% of total shares), the People’s Republic of China (6.4%), India (6.3%) and Australia (5.8%).
  • ADB is headquartered in Manila, Philippines.

Source – The Hindu

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