Vernacular Innovation Program: NITI Ayog
Recently, Vernacular Innovation Program (VIP) has been started by Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) to empower innovators, entrepreneurs in 22 mother tongues.
This is a first of its kind program of Atal Innovation Mission, under NITI Aayog, which will enable innovators and entrepreneurs in the country to access the innovation eco-system in 22 scheduled languages of the Government of India.
- AIM will provide training to a Vernacular Task Force (VTF) after identifying all of the 22 scheduled languages, for capacity building required for the Vernacular Innovation Programme.
- This program will be a step in the journey of Indian Innovation and Entrepreneurship Eco-system, it will strengthen cognitive and design thinking in young and aspiring minds.
- This unique initiative of Atal Innovation Mission will help in removing language barriers and empower innovators in the remotest parts of the country.
It may be noted that, according to the 2011 census, only 10.4 percent of Indians speak English, while most use it as their second, third or fourth language. Only 2% of Indians speak English as their first language.
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) aims to promote local, regional, national and global innovation by providing access to learning in one’s language and culture.
Source – The Hindu