Sun Halo
In Bengaluru, a very beautiful phenomenon has been observed recently, in which a shape of rainbow-like formation was seen around the Sun. This circular rainbow style around the Sun is called ‘Sun halo’.
The reason for the formation of ‘Sun halo’
- This ‘Sun halo’ visible around the Sun is formed when the Sun is situated at an angle of 22 degrees from the Earth. Rainbow colors are visible in the halo due to the scattering of light as the rays of sunlight pass through the ice crystals present in the Cirrus Clouds.
- There are millions of tiny ice crystals in the clouds, through which light refraction, scattering and reflection takes place and there is the appearance of a spherical rainbow ring.
Lunar Halos
- Similarly, there is a Lunar Halos that is visible around the Moon. Lunar haloes are mostly colorless, because the light of the Moon means that the moonlight is not very bright.
Source – The Hindu