Study plan for UPSC Mains preparation – Beginners friendly

Study plan for UPSC Mains preparation – Beginners friendly

Getting a job in the public service sector is what most Indians dream of and would do anything to turn it into reality. Well, a lot of aspirants do get through the first set of exam, that is the prelims using the UPSC prelims test series. The prelims is the first round of examination and elimination of the UPSC. The first set of exams is difficult but can be qualified with a bit of hard work. The main challenge lies in qualifying the UPSC Mains exam. Once you have passed the UPSC prelims exam, its time for you to start preparing for the mains examination. You have to keep practicing and take up test series for UPSC to help you evaluate your weak and strong areas. 

Beginners study plan for UPSC Mains

The mains is the most important exam that will decide your ultimate selection in the public service sector jobs. You need to plan a robust strategy to clear the mains with a good rank and score, which are essential deciding factors for your selection. 

Although experienced candidates have a rough idea about how to go about for the mains exams, for beginners, it can become a bit intimidating to go about the preparations without proper guidance. Hence keep reading to find out how to prepare for the mains exam as a beginner.

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Check Our Test Series 

The step towards success is enrolling for the UPSC test series 2023 of Youth Destination. It will help you make your writing skills more effective and its compact questions will also enable you to think of unique solutions to daily problems. Besides this, below we have laid down a few tips that will aid you in cracking the most critical examination of UPSC, that is the mains. 

Also, Read: Which UPSC test series can help your preparation?

Maintain consistency in your Mains preparation

When you start preparing early, you have an added benefit of saving yourself some extra time. But that is not enough. You have to make the most out of this extra time. Your main focus has to be in maintaining consistency during this entire period of preparation. Hence you need to schedule your months, weeks and days with a fixed set of targets and it begins with knowing your mains syllabus by rote. It is a pretty simple thing to do and it can do wonders. This would help you to stay focused while preparing. Moreover, you can use the UPSC prelims test series to help you to maintain consistency and keep abreast with your targets. 

Take a break after the prelims exam

Once you have given the prelims, you need to rest your mind and body. You have constantly been preparing for a year and hence you need to relax for a while. You can take ten days off or even take a trip for a few days to rejuvenate yourself. Whether you clear the exams or not, there will always be a second chance. Hence there is no harm in starting to prepare for your mains exams. Keep looking up strategies for preparation. Moreover, you can always seek help from the mentors of Youth Destination who can guide you better. 

Also, Read: Where to get my UPSC Test Series for 2021 ?

Allocate time wisely

Once the prelims is done, you will get roughly four months to prepare for the UPSC mains. The schedule becomes narrower when you have to keep practicing essay and answer writing. You can get better guidance about the essay and answer writing with the UPSC Mains test series of Youth Destination. 

The UPSC mains comprises two vernacular papers, nine theoretical papers two papers from the optional subject, one essay writing paper and four papers from the general studies. Hence you need to have a proper plan in place to complete all the papers on time. 

Chalk out a schedule for each subject

Beginners have no idea about how to cover the entire syllabus for mains within such a short time. Hence to help you have a clear understanding, below we have laid down certain tips that will help you to revise the entire syllabus within time. 

  • Schedule daily, weekly and monthly targets. Stick to these targets. 
  • If you miss your preparations for a day or two, divide the missed out parts and cover them over the week. 
  • At the end of the day, give yourself one or two hours for revision. 
  • In the weekends focus only on practicing answer and essay writing using Test Series for UPSC.

Bolster your answer writing preparations

You must know that the nature of the mains paper is descriptive. Hence it is essential to give as much as time possible in practicing writing answers. Summaries the things you have read in a day and write it down. Keep aside an hour every day for practicing answer writing. You can also use the UPSC Test Series to bolster your answer writing skills. It will help you to come up with better and more polished pattern of answer writing with time. This will also aid you in having a holistic technique for writing answers. 

Keep taking mocks

Just like you took up UPSC prelims test series for preparing for the UPSC prelims examination, you need to take up mock tests for the mains exams the same way. The significance of mock is that it creates an environment of giving a real exam, helps you to plan your time management. It will give you a profound understanding of the pattern of writing answers which are accurate and to the point as per the question. Check out the UPSC Mains Test Series now for taking up mock tests for the mains exams. 

Keep revising

Keep revising your papers and subjects thoroughly. Take down notes of the subjects. Keep revising these notes before exams. Having the notes ready, will also save you time just one week before the exams. 

Wrapping Up

The points mentioned above is the ultimate guide to having a solid study plan in place for your UPSC mains as a beginner. The mains exam may seem intimidating and challenging but remember even when the word impossible is broken down, it says ‘I am possible’. So, stay motivated and keep preparing.

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