South China Sea and Controversy – South China Sea dispute

South China Sea and the controversy – South China Sea dispute

To counter China’s influence in the South China Sea dispute, the US has announced plans to integrate its other maritime forces, including the US Navy Marine Corps and the Coast Guard, over the next decade.

Important Points on South China Sea dispute :  

Experts say that this integrated all-domain naval power of the US will compete with China in the South China Sea.

South China Sea dispute:

  • This part of the sea, which lies between Indonesia and Vietnam, is spread over about 3.5 million square kilometers. China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei have been claiming this. Hundreds of species of organisms are found in this sea area, inhabited by natural treasures.
  • The original dispute concerns two islands in the South China Sea, namely the Spratly Islands and the Paracels. These two islands lie between Vietnam and the Philippines. China refused to accept the verdict of an international arbitration of ownership over this small ocean. China claims both of these. On the other hand, this claim of China is being opposed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Taiwan. Brunei also has objections.
  • The case was brought to court in 2013 by the Philippines, which focused on the Scarborough Shoal. However, the decision was made by Beijing to boycott the proceedings. The Permanent Arbitration Court in The Hague, Netherlands ruled that China’s claims of historical right over the South China Sea had no legal basis.

Indian aspect:

  • After the India-China dispute in recent times, there has been a discussion that will increase India’s role in the South China Sea dispute.
  • India considers the South China Sea to be a neutral place. India believes that this neutrality should be maintained and it is not the sea of ​​any country.
  • India can still maintain this position. Experts believe that if the controversy escalates then the role of ‘Quad’ can be important.


  • The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUSID), also known as QUAD, is an informal political dialogue group between the USA, India, Japan and Australia.
  • Quad is a meeting of ideas from some Quad started with a positive mindset. But after starting in 2007, the Quad remained inactive for the next 10 years. In the year 2017, once again the countries of Quad met.
  • The level of the meeting rose in 2019 and the foreign ministers of the four countries participated in it. However, the Quad is also not a military alliance, so one would not expect any other country’s army to interfere directly in the South China Sea.

Source – The Hindu

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