Russia could start chemical attack in Ukraine
In the wake of the recent Russo-Ukraine War, the United States claimed that Russia could use chemical weapons in Ukraine.
- Recently, a warning has been issued by the United States that Russia will get a befitting reply if it uses chemical weapons in Ukraine.
- The warning comes at a time when Russia has called an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to accuse the US and Ukraine of developing biological and chemical weapons.
Biological weapons
- Biological weapons are weapons that spread disease-causing organisms, or poisonous substances, to harm or kill humans, animals, or plants.
- These weapons generally have two parts: first, the weaponized agent used as the weapon and second, the delivery mechanism.
- The development, production, acquisition or acquisition, transfer, storage and use of biological and toxic weapons are prohibited under the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).
- This convention came into force in the year 1975. It is a supplementary agreement to the Geneva Protocol of 1925, which prohibited the use of biological weapons. At present 183 countries (including India) are parties to it.
Chemical Weapons
This includes munitions containing toxic or chemical substances. They attack the human body, and its functioning.
These include the following:
- Choking agents such as phosgene: These attack the lungs and respiratory system;
- Blister agents, such as Mustard gas: it burns the skin and blinds people;
- Nerve agents: These block the messages sent by the brain to the muscles of the body.
The development, production, acquisition or acquisition, storage or possession of chemical weapons is prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). CWC came into force in the year 1997. Its 193 countries including India are parties.
Source – The Hindu