Revised Guidelines for Rural Area Development Plan Formulation and Implementation (RADPFI) issued
Recently the government has revised the ‘Rural Area Development Plan Formulation and Implementation (RADPFI) Guidelines, 2017’ to change the nature of rural India and ensure rural prosperity.
The RADPFI 2021 guidelines are part of the ministry’s efforts towards promoting spatial rural planning, and will pave the way for rural transformation by developing a perspective for sustainable planning in villages.
Requirement of local planning:
- Spatial development without planning in village panchayats,
- expanded urbanization zone,
- rise of census towns,
- Improving the quality and sustainability of life of Gram Panchayats,
- Integration of Reforms/Programmes (SVAMITVA/Proprietary, RURBAN/Rurban, new changes and amendments to State Acts and re-emphasis on Disaster, Climate Change and Resilience Codes etc.),
- The need to link agro-climatic zones/zones to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), etc.
The new guidelines (Year 2021) focus on the following:
- To focus on village typology for preparation of spatial development plan. It includes population of villages, agro-climatic zone, hilly area, occurrence of disasters etc.
- Village Town Planning Scheme (VPS) through community based collaborative planning.
- Linking the 15th Finance Commission with the State Finance Commission regarding village level planning.
- Integration/consolidation of Gram Panchayat Development with Rurban Clusters/Block/District Planning as per 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Act and Gram Panchayat Development Program (GPDP).
- Improving e-governance through spatial data infrastructure.
- Using ‘Survey of Villages and Mapping of Village Areas with Immediate Technology’ (SVAMITVA/Proprietary) scheme and other digital tools for Abadi area (linking to land records).
- Planning for environmental benefits and disaster management.
- It will promote the development of vibrant economic clusters in rural areas, which will contribute to the socio-economic development of rural areas.
- It will also complement the efforts of the Central Government such as the ‘Swamitva Yojana’ of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj and the Rurban Mission of the Ministry of Rural Development and facilitate better use of geospatial information.
Source: The Hindu