Rajasthan Declared Mucormycosis as Notified Diseases

Rajasthan declared Mucormycosis as Notified Diseases.

  • Recently, a disease named Mucormycosis or black fungus has been declared as Notified Diseases under Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Act, 2020.
  • In fact, health is a state subject, so state governments have the right to declare a disease as a notified disease. However, the Central Government maintains a list of Notified diseases.
  • The number of cases of this disease has been increasing continuously in Rajasthan since last few months. The disease mainly affects individuals recovering from COVID-
  • It may be noted that earlier Black Fungus Disease was notified as Notified Diseases in Haryana.

Notified Diseases

  • Such a disease which is legally required to be reported to the government. In Rajasthan, declaring the Black Fungus Disease disease as an epidemic, the government officials will have to inform each and every case suffering from this disease.

Benefits of keeping the disease in the “Notified category”

  • Doctors have to report the illness to their patients to the Chief Medical Officer of the district. So that will help the authorities to collect information on the spread of the disease, monitor the disease and determine the early warnings.

WHO on Notified Diseases

  • The WHO International Health Regulations, 1969 have made disease reporting mandatory. This will help the WHO in its global monitoring and advisory role. Currently this list is limited to only three main diseases namely yellow fever, cholera and plague.

World Organization for Animal Health on Notified Disease

  • This organization monitors animal diseases globally. It also maintains a list of notable diseases.

List of notified diseases in India

  • AIDS, Dengue fever, Hepatitis B, Malaria, Whooping cough (Pertussis), Rabies, Tetanus, Viral encephalitis, Anemia, Chickenpox, Diphtheria, Influenza, Measles, Plague, Smallpox, Tuberculosis, Malnutrition, Iodine deficiency, Cholera, Hepatitis A, Leprosy, Cerebrospinal fever, Polio, Scarlet fever, Typhoid fever, Vitamin A deficiency.

Source – The Hindu

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