Radioactive contamination increasingly found in scraps for recycling : IAEA

Radioactive contamination increasingly found in scraps for recycling : IAEA

Recently the latest “Incident and Trafficking Database” (ITDB) released by the International Atomic Energy Agency has been released.

According to the IAEA, there are increasing levels of radioactive contamination in recycled scrap.

Facts of the Database:

  • Radioactive waste products (including vehicles such as ships) are increasingly being recycled without regard to risk management.
  • The most common source of contamination is the feed ingredients from which the product is manufactured. This feed material is often obtained from the metal recycling industry.
  • To assist countries in combating illicit trafficking and other related unauthorized activities involving nuclear and other radioactive materials.
  • Maintain and analyze reported information to identify common threats, trends and patterns.
  • ITDB is part of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s nuclear security plan.

It has the following objectives-

  • To assist countries in establishing, managing and maintaining national nuclear security systems.
  • To contribute to global efforts to achieve effective nuclear security.
  • Facilitating international cooperation and raising awareness on nuclear security.

Initiatives taken by India to ensure safety from radioactive products –

  • The Atomic Energy Act, 1962 is enacted. It provides a regulatory framework for all activities related to the use of atomic energy and ionizing radiation.
  • Atomic Energy Regulatory Board has been established. It performs regulatory functions and implements safeguards.
  • The Atomic Energy (Radiation Safety) Rules, 2004 have been framed.
  • The Atomic Energy (Radiation Processing of Food and Allied Products) Rules, 2012 have been made.

International Atomic Energy Agency -IAEA

  • It was established in 1957 as the world’s “Atoms for Peace” organization within the United Nations group.
  • It works with its member states and many partners around the world to promote the safe and peaceful uses of nuclear technologies.
  • It has 176 members including India. It’s headquarter is located in Vienna (Austria).

Source – Down to Earth

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