Question – Examine the relevance of the following in the context of civil service: 1. Transparency 2. Accountability 3. Fairness

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Question Examine the relevance of the following in the context of civil service – 16 May 2021

  1. Transparency
  2. Accountability
  3. Fairness

Answer – 

  1. Transparency: The administration has a vital bearing on a country and its people. In ancient India right from Vedic Days, it has been the avowed objective of administration to be responsive, transparent, accountable and citizen-friendly. These factors could be regarded as the touchstone of any administrative setup.Transparency means sharing information and acting in an open manner. Transparency is essential for controlling corruption in public life, to uphold accountability and deliver information to stakeholders about the activities, procedures and policies of the Government. It also allows stakeholders to collect information that may be critical to uncovering abuses and defending their interests.


  1. Accountability: Accountability refers to the process as well as norms that make decision makers answerable to ones for whom decisions are taken i.e., the decision maker and the beneficiary. The recent emphasis on revolutionised democracy seeking increased accountability from the government has brought into focus its need and importance in Governance and government functioning.

Accountability mechanisms-in functioning of the State has been engaging attention of the civil society, academicians and lawmakers in general and international financial institutions and donors in particular.

In this context, accountability institutions assume importance and form the core of any good governance mechanism helping in bridging the gap between the stakeholders and the decision makers.

  1. Fairness: It is a principle of justice that states that any decision should be based on objective criteria and not one that benefits one person over the other based on prejudice, prejudice, or unreasonable reasons.

Administrative importance:

  • It helps to fill the gaps in the lack of trust between the government and the subject.
  • It gives legitimacy to the work done and makes it more effective.
  • It prevents corruption and favoritism.
  • It helps prevent discrimination on the basis of political affiliation.

It develops the feeling of co-operation.

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