Prime Minister Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (PM-VANI)

Prime Minister Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (PM-VANI)

Recently Light-Touch regulation has been implemented to make the Prime Minister Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (PM-VANI) useful.

  • The Light-touch regulation will encourage entrepreneurs to set up public Wi-Fi hotspots and generate additional revenue for themselves.
  • Light-touch regulation does not mean that there is no regulation, but rather refers to the use of an alternative regulatory mechanism in place of a specific legal instrument. For example, laying down the process of self-regulation by industrial agents.
  • PM VANI aims to enhance wireless internet connectivity in the country by envisaging the provision of broadband through public Wi-Fi hotspot providers.

Different competitors to conduct ‘PM VANI’:

Public Data Office (PDO):

It will only set up, maintain and operate Wi-Fi service locations under PM VANI and provide broadband service to the consumers.

Public Data Office Aggregator (PDOA):

It will be an aggregator of PDOs and will perform the task of authentication of registered users and maintenance of accounts.

App Provider: It will develop the mobile app for the registered customers. Also, in Wi-Fi hotspot areas, the PDO will detect the availability of PM VANI service and then input it into the respective app, so that the subscriber can access the internet service on his mobile.

Central Registry: This app will maintain the details of Providers, PDOA and PDO.

Source – The Hindu

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