North Korea Successfully Tests Ballistic Missile

Recently North Korea has successfully test-fired a ‘Submarine Launch Ballistic Missile’ (SLBM).

North Korea is banned under international law from testing ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.

Ballistic Missiles:

  • It is a rocket-propelled, self-guided strategic weapon system that follows a ‘ballistic trajectory’ to deliver the payload from its launch site to a predetermined target.
  • ‘Ballistic trajectory’ refers to the trajectory of a missile, which is affected only by gravity and possibly atmospheric friction.
  • It can carry conventional high explosives as well as chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.

International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation

It is a political initiative now known as the ‘Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation’. Its main objective is to stop the proliferation of ballistic missiles globally. India is a signatory to this convention.

Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR):

Established in April 1987, the ‘Voluntary Missile Technology Control Regime’ (MTCR) aims to limit the proliferation of ballistic missiles and other unmanned delivery systems that can be used for chemical, biological and nuclear attacks. India is also a part of MTCR.

Source – The Hindu

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