Nature Based Solutions (NbS)
- Recently United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has released a report titled ‘State of Finance for Nature 2022’.
- As per the report, currently USD 154 billion of finance is being allocated for Nature Based Solutions (NbS) on an annual basis.
Nature based solution:
- Nature-based solutions (NbS) refers to the sustainable management and use of nature to address socio-environmental challenges.
- NbS is defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as the act of protecting, sustainably managing and restoring natural and modified ecosystems in a way that effectively and adaptively addresses social challenges, while simultaneously promoting human well-being and biodiversity. Provide associated benefits.
- For example, traditional methods such as man-made infrastructure (sea walls) are used to deal with floods in coastal areas.
- The assumption under NbS is that this flood can also be tackled through tree plantation
- Tree plantation provides benefits of ecosystem services. Also, trees provide protection to biodiversity by reducing the effects of storms.
International Union for Conservation of Nature
- The International Union for Conservation of Nature was established in the year 1948. It is an international organization. Which works towards conservation of nature and ensuring sustainable use of natural resources.
- Its headquarter is located in Gland (Switzerland).
- The IUCN Red List is the world’s most comprehensive list showing the global conservation status of plant and animal species.
- Certain criteria are used by the IUCN to evaluate the risk of extinction of species. These criteria are relevant for most of the world’s species.
Source – Down to Earth