Recently the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity) has released the “National Strategy on Additive Manufacturing” (NSAM).
The following are the major objectives of this strategy released by the Ministry:
- To increase GDP by about $1 billion by the year 2025.
- Increase India’s share in global additives manufacturing (AM) to 5 percent.
- To develop 50 Indian additive manufacturing technologies for materials, machines and software.
- Creating 100 new startups, 500 new products and 1 lakh skilled workers.
The National Strategy on Additives Manufacturing has the following major objectives:
- To establish India as a global hub for the development and utilization of additive manufacturing.
- Ensuring the creation and protection of intellectual property relating to India’s additive manufacturing.
- Reducing the domestic market’s dependence on imports.
- To encourage domestic manufacturing to promote Make in India and self-reliant India.
Potential impacts of Additives Manufacturing
- It can replace the supply chain of raw materials.
- This will help in reducing the carbon footprint. At the same time, energy security will also increase.
- Product diversity will be encouraged and flexibility in design will be ensured in the course of manufacturing.
- Patient-centred health care will be promoted by personalizing drugs for complex patient-specific release profiles.
- It will help in the transformation of military supply chains by reducing logistical challenges.
- Additive manufacturing or 3D printing uses computer-aided designing to create prototypes or functional models of objects.
- In this process, desired objects are created by layering successive layers of materials such as plastics, resins, thermoplastics, metals, fibers or ceramics.
Source – The Hindu