Minimum Support Price (MSP) Scheme for Small Forest Produce (MFP)
This is a centrally sponsored scheme which has been in force since The objective of the scheme is to make the market available to minor forest products and to develop a value chain for these products through the Minimum Support Price Scheme (MSP).
This scheme is basically a scheme for the social security of most tribals who produce small forest produce. In fact, these tribals mainly consist of Scheduled Tribes in which most of them reside in areas where left-wing extremism is highly effective.
The main objectives of the Minimum Support Price (MSP) Scheme for Small Forest Produce (MFP):
- To ensure that the tribals get fair prices for the products collected from the forests and alternative means of livelihood are also available for them.
- Ensure availability of small forest products in the market. Tribals should have proper facilities for the collection, processing, storage, canning, and transportation, etc. of the products. Tribals should also be given a share in the revenue from the sale of products (excluding costs).
Where is this scheme applicable?
- Initially, the scheme was only for the scheduled areas of 8 states and the minimum support price was fixed for only 12 minor forest products.
- But later this scheme was implemented in all the states and federal territories. Now the number of minor forest products listed under it is more than
Implementation of Minimum Support Price (MSP) Scheme for Minor Forest Produce (MFP)
- Under this scheme, the responsibility of procuring minor forest products at the minimum support price rests with the agencies nominated by the states.
- In this scheme, along with infrastructures like cold storage, godowns, transport, etc., arrangements are also made to make products more quality.
- The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is responsible for the implementation of this scheme.
- The Ministry of Tribal Affairs determines the minimum support price for minor forest products with the technical assistance of TRIFED.
Source – PIB