Recently, cases of ‘Lumpy Skin Disease’ infection have been reported in Indian cattle. Significantly, cases of this disease have been reported for the first time in India.
Cause of infection (LSD) :
In cattle or bison, the disease is caused by infection with ‘Lumpy skin disease virus’ (LSDV).
The virus is one of three closely related species within the ‘capripox virus’ genus, with the other two species being the ‘sheep pox virus and the ‘goat pox virus’.
Symptoms :
It appears as a knot of two to five centimeters diameter throughout the body, especially around the head, neck, limbs, udder (mammary gland of female cattle), coronavirus and genitals.
Control and prevention of lumpy skin disease depend on four strategies, which are the following – ‘movement control (quarantine), vaccination, slaughter, and management of infected animals’.
Source: Down to Earth