KAZIND military exercise 2022 concluded
Recently the 6th edition of India-Kazakhstan joint training exercise ‘KAZIND-22’ has been organized at ‘Umroi’ in Meghalaya.
KAZIND– 2022
- It is a joint annual training exercise of India with Kazakhstan Army. It was established in the year 2016 as Exercise ‘Prabal Dostik’. This has been known as Exercise Kazind since the year 2018.
- The objective of the exercise is to adopt each other’s best practices to build positive military-to-military relationship and enhance the ability to work together while conducting counter terrorist operations in semi-urban/jungle scenario.
Importance of Kazakhstan to India
- Kazakhstan is the largest country in Central Asia and the ninth largest country in the world having strategic importance. It is bordered by the Caspian Sea to the west, Russia to the north and China to the east.
- Kazakhstan is of great importance to India especially in terms of energy resources and its economic potential and also because of its geo-strategic location.
- In terms of energy resources, Kazakhstan is the world’s largest producer of uranium.
- India and Kazakhstan actively cooperate under the aegis of various multilateral fora including Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and United Nations (UN) organizations.
Source – PIB