Is 1 year enough for IAS preparation?

Many candidates find it difficult to identify the time frame in which they can clear the IAS exam. What is a suitable timetable along with a plan of action to make candidates’ decision-making process easier so that they can clear this exam easily?

If you do focus study then one year is sufficient for IAS preparation and you can clear this exam in your first attempt. Inarguably, you need to work hard daily for at least 6 to 8 hours because preparing for UPSC is a full-time job.

First of all, you should be well versed in your self-evaluation to make an appropriate timetable that’s suitable for you to prepare for the IAS exam successfully. Current affairs are the focal point in prelims and mains exams as well. So go through the syllabus thoroughly and then prepare your plan to cover the current affairs section along with the General Studies paper as per the syllabus. Each stage of the IAS exam such as prelims, Mains and interview have its own challenge. 

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A candidate can crack the IAS exam in 1 year by planning their preparation and knowing all the details and important dates related to the exam. Try to make an accurate timetable that covers all the syllabus and also leave enough time for revision. Candidates should plan every detail according to the weightage of the question and a time limit. Keep in mind that the syllabus helps to create a successful study plan.

Divide your one year into three parts or phases. 

  1. First of all, strengthen your basics with NCERT books. You should start reading NCERT of History, Political Science, Geography, Economics and Science. After building a strong foundation, go for standard books.
  2. It is the time of the subject while studying all subjects from NCERT to standard books.
  3. The third and last phase is for revision. Spend at least 2 months on revision and evaluate your progress by solving the previous year’s question papers.

IAS preparation strategy

“The early bird catches the worm.”

This famous quote is also true in civil service preparation strategy. Starting preparation for the IAS exam at an initial stage helps students to identify their course of action and tackle different segments of the preparation by identifying their weak areas at an early stage.

Secondly, candidates should understand the pattern of the IAS exam because only if they have an understanding of the requirements of the examination, they can crack this exam. Applicants should go through the syllabus of the examination along with the past year’s question paper to make their study plan and to tackle different aspects of the examination.

Candidates should develop a timetable and be dedicated to the timetable they formulate for themselves. It will help in completing the UPSC syllabus on time and also keep your activities in a disciplined manner.

Productive reading habits should be your first priority, so inculcate the habit of reading as it will pursue greater strength and high recalling power.

Make sure, the first thing you read in the morning should be in the newspaper, preferably ‘The Hindu’. It will help you have a great knowledge of the news and the current happenings around you.

Smart strategies are also essential to clear the Civil Service exam in one year along with hard work. Give importance to areas that require time duration of work according to the individual’s information about the subject matter. Prepare a well-researched list of limited resources and don’t get lost in the vast study material available for UPSC preparation. Choose standard books from the recommended ones and stick to them.

Candidates should learn the art of note-making. Go for selective notes making which must incorporate crisp and clear ideas.

Make your notes in a concise way so that a one-page note should be able to remind you of one chapter of a book. Concise notes will greatly improve recall while making the final revision.

Revision is the most important aspect and ensures your success in the civil service examination. Students should look to make most of the revision module. Moreover, they must revise their subjects as frequently as possible using their notes. Keep in mind that revision is what will make you recall.

So by following the above-mentioned tips candidates can clear the IAS exam in 1 year.

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