International Dark Sky Week

International Dark Sky Week

Recently International Dark Sky Week has been organized from 22 to 30 April 2022.

‘Dark Sky Week’ is an annual event organized by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA). It is organized to raise awareness about the negative effects of light pollution, and to enjoy the night sky.

Such artificial light (usually outside homes) that is excessive, in the wrong direction, or obstructs, is called light or photo pollution.

Components of light pollution:

  • Bright Light (Glare); Excessive brightness causing visual disturbances.
  • Sky glow, The glow of the night sky in populated areas.

Light trespass: Use of light in places where it is not needed or where it causes inconvenience to others.

Optical Clutter: Confusing and excessive grouping of light sources.

Effects of Light Pollution:

  • This disrupts astronomical research. It has adverse health effects especially on humans and their natural bodily cycle’s i.e. circadian rhythms. Plus, it also affects the production of melatonin. Melatonin is regulated by light and dark.
  • Circadian rhythms are changes in physical, mental and behavior that follow a 24-hour cycle.
  • In disordered ecosystems, light pollution poses a serious threat especially to nocturnal wildlife. It has a negative effect on the physiology of plants and animals. This increases energy consumption.

Ways to deal with light pollution:

  • The use of LED technology and green energy should be promoted for demonstrations and lighting.
  • Advertisements with high brightness should be avoided. These blur the traffic signals and reduce its visibility.

Source – The Hindu

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