Government releases India’s civil registration system report for 2020
Recently the Central Government has released the Civil Registration System of India (CRS) Report 2020. This report provides an overview on the functioning of CRS in the country.
This report presents a compilation of data on the following:
- Gender-based registered births, deaths, stillbirths, and sex ratio at birth in rural-urban areas based on civil registration records.
- The registration of births and deaths is done under a central act “The Birth and Death Registration Act (RBD),
- With the enactment of the Act, registration of births, deaths and stillbirths of a stillborn child has become mandatory in India.
- Registration of births and deaths is done only at the place of birth and death.
- Birth and death have to be reported within 21 days of its occurrence.
- The Registrar General of India (RGI) at the Central Government level coordinates and integrates the activities of registration throughout the country. However, the power to implement this law rests with the state governments.
- CRS presents the calculation of registered births and deaths. The Sample Registration System (SRS) provides an estimate of the total number of births and deaths.
- Registration of birth is the right of every child. This is the first step towards establishing his legal identity.
Key findings of CRS-2020-
- There has been an increase of 75 lakhs in death registration in the year 2020 as compared to the year 2019. The total number of registered deaths in the year 2020 was 81.16 lakh.
- More than 90% of all deaths have been reported in 11 states and union territories.
- 42 crore births were registered in the year 2020. This is less than 2.48 crore registered in the year 2019. Of the registered births, 52% are boys and 48% are girls.
- Ladakh recorded the highest sex ratio at birth in all of India. It is followed by Arunachal Pradesh and Andaman and Nicobar.
Source – The Hindu