India-Bhutan’s ‘Borderless Tax Inspector Program’ (TIWB) program

India-Bhutan’s ‘Borderless Tax Inspector Program’ (TIWB) program

Recently, India along with Bhutan has started ‘Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB)’ programme. This program will run for about 24 months.

The main objective of this program is to focus on the area of international taxation and transfer pricing.

Benefits of the ‘Tax Inspectors without Borders Program’ (TIWB) program:

  • Through the TIWB program, India, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the TIWB Secretariat, will transfer technical knowledge and necessary skill training to auditors of Bhutan and also share best accounting practices.
  • In addition, the program also aims to provide assistance to Bhutan in strengthening the tax administration (TEX GOVERNENCE).

About TIWB Programme:

  • This program is jointly organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
  • The objective of the TIWB initiative is to provide essential auditing knowledge and skills, including ‘tax administration’, in developing countries through a targeted, real-time ‘learning by doing’ method. Sharing is to empower the tax administrations of these countries.
  • The core function of TIWB is focused on building audit skill capacity relating to general audit and specific international tax matters and providing assistance by sending experts to develop general audit skill capacity in tax administrations of developing countries.

Source – The Hindu

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