Increasing Omicron Cases
Recently, in view of the rising cases of Omicron, the Prime Minister urged people to follow COVID-appropriate behaviour.
In his address to the nation, the Prime Minister made several announcements, including:
- Immunization program for adolescents in the age group of 15-18 years will be started from 23 January 2022.
- A precaution dose of vaccine for healthcare workers and frontline workers with effect from January 10, 2022.
- Additionally, people with co-morbidities and above 60 years of age will be eligible to take the preconcussion dosage from January 10, 2022, on the advice of their doctors.
- The Prime Minister has also assured that the country will soon develop a nasal vaccine and the world’s first DNA vaccine.
- The nasal mucosa has excellent potential for vaccination due to the organized immune system of the nasal mucosa.
Other benefits include:
- Non-invasive, ease of use, elimination of needle risks, expandable construction, etc.
- Both DNA and RNA vaccines are gene based vaccines.
- Traditional vaccines involve injecting a weakened form of a virus or bacteria into the body. In contrast, gene-based vaccines use part of the virus’s own genes to stimulate an immune response.
Benefits of gene-based vaccines include:
It is safe and non-infectious, can produce a stronger type of immunity, better tolerated than conventional vaccines, and can be produced more rapidly, etc.
Source – The Hindu