Importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Indian Judicial Processes

Importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Indian Judicial Processes

The government has stressed the need to adopt new and cutting-edge technologies like Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the judiciary. These will help in increasing the efficiency of the justice delivery system.

Its potential benefits:

  • Challenges exist regarding access to freely available data relating to decisions in the Indian judiciary. These challenges can be overcome by them.
  • These can improve access to justice through process re-engineering and automation. Also, the judicial process can also be expedited.
  • Better decision making can be done through tools like intelligent legal analysis and research.
  • There will be an opportunity to learn from the best practices related to these globally. For example, in the United Kingdom a system of predicting repeat offenders has been developed.


  • Fundamental rules should be made for such technologies.
  • Stakeholders should be identified and their participation ensured.
  • Partnerships should be fostered to assist in the development of such technologies.

Measures taken so far:

  • SUYAS (Supreme Court Legal Translation Software): It is a language learning application. It is used to translate decisions given in English into regional language.
  • SUPACE (Supreme Court Portal for Assistance in Court Efficiency): It helps to improve efficiency and reduce pendency. It identifies judicial processes that can be automated through artificial intelligence.
  • SCI-Interact: This is software developed by the Supreme Court. It makes all 17 benches paperless by providing access to files, annexures of petitions, etc. to judges.

Source – The Hindu

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