Illegal smuggling of sea cucumbers

Illegal smuggling of sea cucumbers

Recently there has been an increase in the cases of illegal smuggling of “sea cucumbers” from India. Sea cucumber seizures have increased in 2019 and 2020. Thus the Gulf of Mannar/Pak Gulf region has become a global hotspot for sea cucumber smuggling.

It is in high demand in East Asia. Sea cucumber is being produced on a large scale in India and Sri Lanka. It is considered a delicacy in East Asia. Here it is eaten either fresh or dried. It is also used in traditional medicine in China.

However, India banned sea cucumber based fisheries in the year 2001. Sri Lanka attempted to restrict its trade through the permit system. This inequality of law has given Indian fishermen an opportunity to take advantage of Sri Lanka’s legitimate sea cucumber trade.

About sea cucumbers:

  • Sea cucumber is part of a group of organisms called echinoderms (marine invertebrates). These creatures live on the ocean floor.
  • Their body shape is similar to that of a cucumber. They have short branched tube-like legs. They are used for movement and feeding.


They are found in almost all marine habitats around the world. These include shallow to deep sea water areas.

Major Threats:

  • Climate change and ocean acidification, habitat destruction, illegal fishing and water pollution.
  • The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified some species of sea cucumber (such as the brown sea-cucumber) as Vulnerable or Endangered. But most of the species are kept in the ‘least concern’ category.

Source- Hindu

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