Great Backyard Bird Count 2023

Great Backyard Bird Count 2023

Recently Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) 2023 was organized by Bird Count India (BCI) from February 17-20 across 35 states and union territories.

  • According to the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) 2023, West Bengal has recorded the highest number of bird species. After this Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh have registered.
  • The BCI is an informal partnership of organizations and groups working together to increase collective knowledge about bird distribution and populations.
  • India was among 190 countries to participate in GBBC 2023, an annual event that brings together birders, students and nature enthusiasts to count birds in their surroundings.
  • GBBC was started in the year 1998. GBBC in India is organized by Bird Count India.
  • A significant increase in participation across the country has made India second only to the United States in terms of the number of checklists and third in terms of the number of bird species of any country.

Key findings of the count-

  • West Bengal recorded 489 species, the highest among the 35 participating states and union territories.
  • Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Karnataka recorded 426, 407, 397 and 371 species respectively.
  • Tamil Nadu and Kerala secured the eighth and ninth positions with 349 and 325 species respectively.
  • Kerala recorded the highest number of bird checklists. A bird checklist is a comprehensive list of all the different birds that a person has seen, heard, and identified in a specific area.
  • Over 46,000 checklists and a total of 1,067 avian species were uploaded on e-Bird, an online platform for recording bird sightings.
  • Kerala topped the checklist category by uploading 9,768 lists of birds.
  • Maharashtra came second and third with 7,414 lists and Tamil Nadu with 6,098.
  • Birders from Pune uploaded over 5,900 lists, the most among urban centers.

Source – The Hindu

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