‘Gorakhpur Haryana’ Atomic Power Project (GHAVP)
Recently, the state’s first nuclear power plant will be set up at Gorakhpur village in Fatehabad district of Haryana.
The under-construction Gorakhpur Haryana Atomic Power Project (GHAVP) will have two units of 700 megawatt electricity (MWe) capacity each. Each of these units will use a Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR).
India’s three-stage nuclear power program was conceived by Dr. Homi Bhabha. The program is based on a closed nuclear fuel cycle.
- Phase-I: PHWRs, powered by natural uranium, will produce Plutonium-239. In PHWRs, heavy water (D2O) is used as moderator and coolant.
- Phase-II: Plutonium-239 from the first stage will be used as fuel in the fast breeder reactor and Uranium-238 will be produced.
- Phase-III: State-of-the-art nuclear power systems will be developed for the use of thorium.
In the year 2013, India successfully reached Phase-I. Based on the first stage technology, more than 22 nuclear reactors (18 PHWRs and 4 Light Water Reactors) are being operated in 7 nuclear power plants of the country.
India is currently in the second phase of the three-stage nuclear power program. India’s current nuclear power capacity is 6,780 MW. This is expected to increase to 22,480 MW by 2031. Nuclear energy is the fifth largest source of electricity for India.
Steps taken by the government to increase the production of nuclear energy-
- The Atomic Energy Amendment Act, 2015 has been passed. The Act allows public sector companies to form joint ventures for the construction of nuclear power plants.
- Issues relating to the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (CLND) Act, 2010 have been resolved. In addition, the Nuclear Insurance Pool of India has been set up.
Source – PIB