FSSAI reports on Trans Fatty Acids (Fatty Acids)

FSSAI reports on Trans-fatty Acids (Fatty Acids) 

  • The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has targeted to increase the current amount of Trans-fatty acids in oils and fats by 5% by 2021 and by 3% to 2% by 2022.
  • FSSAI made this change by amending the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulations, 2011.
  • Earlier in the year 2011, India passed a regulation for the first time under which the limit of Trans-fatty acids in oils and fats was set at 10%. In 2015, this limit was reduced to 5%.
  • These regulations relate to prohibitions and restrictions related to the sale of various food products, ingredients and their combinations.

FSSAI Report On a global scale:

WHO globally launched a campaign called Replace in the year 2018 to eradicate trans-fat in industrially produced edible oils by the year 2023.

Trans Fat: FSSAI Reports

Trans fats help to increase the shelf life (duration of storage and use of ingredients) of oils and foods and stabilize their taste. Trans-fat is also known as Trans-fatty acid. These are of two types:

(i) Natural Trans Fat

(ii) Artificial Trans Fat

  • Trans-fatty acids or trans-fats are the most harmful types of fats, which can cause more adverse effects on the human body than any other dietary component.
  • Although these fats are largely produced artificially, they can also be found in natural form in very small amounts. Thus in our diet, these may exist in the form of artificial TFAand/or natural TFA.
  • The major sources of artificial TFA in our diet are partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (PHVO) / vegetable/margarine, while natural TFAs are found (in very small amounts) in meats and dairy products.


TFA-containing oils can be preserved for a long time. They give the desired shape and form to the food and can easily be used as an alternative to ‘pure ghee’. In comparison, their cost is very low and thus they increase the profit/savings.

Health hazards of trans-fat:

  • According to the World Health Organization, there are about 5.4 lakh deaths globally each year due to the consumption of industrially-produced trans-fatty acids. These rules of the FSSAI have come at a time of the epidemic when the burden of non-communicable diseases has increased. Consumption of trans-fat increases the risk of heart diseases.
  • Most of the deaths due to non-communicable diseases are due to heart diseases. Its consumption increases the level of low-density lipoprotein (also known as “bad” cholesterol). As a result, the risk of heart disease increases. It also lowers the level of high-density lipoprotein (also called “good” cholesterol).
  • They are believed to be the main cause of type-2 diabetes, which is associated with insulin resistance. For this reason, the WHO recommends that trans-fats should not contain more than one percent of the total calorie intake a person consumes.
  • It is helpful in the growth of obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, infertility, certain types of cancer, etc. and also affects the development of the fetus, which can result in harm to the baby born.
  • Metabolic syndrome includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess fat around the waist and abnormal levels of cholesterol. The syndrome increases the risk of a person having a heart attack and stroke.

Efforts to reduce TFA intake: FSSAI Report

  • FSSAI launched the “Trans Fat-Free” logo for voluntary labeling to promote TFA-free products. The label can be used by bakeries, local food outlets and shops, with TFA not exceeding 0.2 per 100g / ml.
  • The FSSAI launched a new mass media campaign, “Heart Attack Rewind”, to eliminate industrially-producedTrans fats in food supplies by the year 2022.
  • Edible oil industries have resolved to reduce the level of salt, sugar, saturated fat and trans fat content by 2% by the year 2022.
  • ‘Swasth Bharat Yatra’ is a pan-India cyclotron launched under the “Eat Right” campaign to connect citizens with issues related to food safety, food adulteration and healthy foods.

Source: The Hindu

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