Five agricultural products from Kerala get Geographical Indication (GI) status
Recently, the following agricultural products from Kerala- Attapadi Attukombu Avara, Attapadi Thuvara, Onattukara Elu, Kanthallur-Vattavada Veluthulli and Kodungallur Pottuvelari have been granted GI tag
Key Points about Latest GI Tag
- Attappady Attucombu Avara (Beans): It is cultivated in Attappady (Palakkad). It is high in anthocyanin, which gives it its purple colour. It has anti-diabetic properties. It protects against heart diseases.
- Attappadi Tuvara (Red Gram): It is rich in calcium, protein and fiber. Its seeds are white covered. Compared to other red gram, Attapadi thuvara has larger seeds and more seed weight.
- Onattukara alu (Sesame): It is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fibre, calcium and magnesium. It has relatively high antioxidant properties. It is also rich in unsaturated fat. For this reason it is beneficial for heart patients.
- Kantallur – Vattavada Veluthulli (Garlic): It is cultivated in Idukki. It contains high amount of sulphide, flavonoids and proteins. It is rich in allicin, which is effective against microbial infections, blood sugar, cancer, etc.
- Kodungallur Potttuvellari (Snap Melon): It is cultivated in Kodungallur and some parts of Ernakulam and is harvested in summer. It contains high amounts of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, fiber and fat.
Geographical Indication (GI)
- Geographical Indication (GI) is a mark used for products with specific geographical origin / identity. Such products are endowed with special properties or fame because of their original origin.
- Geographical Indication status is part of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
- In India, GI registration is administered by the ‘Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999’.
- It provides legal protection to Geographical Indications in India, preventing unauthorized use of registered Geographical Indications by others.
- It promotes economic prosperity of the producers of goods produced/manufactured in the geographical area.
Source – The Hindu