Entrances of India’s New Parliament

Entrances of India’s New Parliament 

In News 

The Vice President hoisted the National Flag at Gaja Dwar at India’s new Parliament Building, before its first session.

About New Parliament

It was built as part of the Indian government’s Central Vista Redevelopment Project.

The new Parliament Building has six gates named after animals and creatures.

Out of these six entrances, three are designed as ceremonial entrances, to welcome special guests and to mark special events. They have been named as Gyan, Shakti and Karma, representing the Indian knowledge system, patriotism and artistic traditions, respectively.India’s New Parliament Building

Central Idea

Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar raised the national flag at the Gaja Dwar (elephant gate) of India’s new

Parliament building just days before its first session.

This event sheds light on the symbolic importance of the Gaja Dwar and the other entrances in the new Parliament.

Gaja Dwar (Elephant Gate)

Wisdom and Wealth: The new Parliament building features six entrances, each representing a distinct role. The Gaja Dwar, adorned with a sculpture of an elephant, guards the northern entrance. The elephant is a symbol of wisdom, wealth, intellect, memory, and embodies the aspirations of elected representatives in the democracy.

Vastu Shastra: According to Vastu shastra, the northern direction is associated with planet Mercury, the source of higher intellect, and is presided over by Kubera, the god of wealth. Hence, the Gaja is placed at the northern entrance.

Cultural Symbolism

Guardian Statues: All six entrances of the New Parliament Building feature red sandstone sculptures of  auspicious animals known as “guardian statues.” These selections were made based on their significance in Indian culture, aesthetic appeal, positive qualities, and Vaastu Shastra principles.

  1. Asva (Horse): Positioned at the southern entrance, the vigilant horse symbolizes endurance, strength, power, and speed, reflecting the quality of governance.
  2. Garuda (Eagle-like Bird): The Garuda stands at the eastern ceremonial entrance, representing the aspirations of the people and the country’s administrators. In Vastu shastra, the east is associated with the rising sun, symbolizing hope, victory, and success.
  3. Makara (Mythological Aquatic Creature): Combining features of different animals, the Makara signifies unity in diversity among the nation’s people.
  4. Shardula (Mythological Creature): Regarded as the most powerful among all living beings, the Shardula symbolizes the strength of the country’s people.
  5. Hamsa (Swan): Located at the public entrance to the northeast, the Hamsa highlights the essential quality of discernment and self-realization, born of wisdom, in the nation’s people.

Entrances of India’s New Parliament 2 (1)

Ceremonial Entrances

  • Three of these entrances are designed as ceremonial entrances, meant to welcome special guests and mark significant events.
  • These entrances showcase Indian art, culture, ethos, and patriotism.
  • They are named Gyan, Shakti, and Karma, representing the Indian knowledge system, patriotism, and artistic traditions, respectively

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