CSAT Tricks For UPSC


Aspirants look for important tips and tricks to crack the exam who feel that the IAS exam is extremely difficult. This is important because the UPSC exam is considered the hardest to crack. There are three stages of this exam: Prelims, Mains and the interview stage. The prelims exam consists of two papers: 

General Studies paper first 

General Studies Paper second, a total of 200 marks each. The second paper which is the CSAT is a qualifying paper where candidates have to score a minimum of 33% to make it to the mains.

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Why CSAT exam is difficult

The CSAT exam was not so difficult to get through until 2014. The difficulty level has been increased for this paper by the UPSC in 2014. Now the paper has become longer and takes time.

The syllabus of CSAT

  • Mental ability 
  • Interpretation of data 
  • Analytical ability 
  • Logical reasoning 
  • Interpersonal skills 
  • Comprehension and numeracy

Handy tips for scoring high

Most candidates for the UPSC civil service exam are from a non-technical background. Candidates having a humanities background find the math’s part difficult in the CSAT paper but there is no need to be scared of it as the mathematics part of the society is of a basic level. You will need only to brush up on your High School mathematics and you will be able to clear the math’s portion.

Work on your school level Algebra, Geometry, Numeracy, Trigonometry, Average, Percentage, Time and Work, Age, Time and Distance, Profit and Loss, probability etc.

With only a bit of effort, the CSAT paper is very scoring so you cannot afford to ignore the math portion of this paper. Since the CSAT paper is of qualifying nature and you will clear it only by getting 33% but still you have to crack the CSAT paper otherwise you would not be able to have a go at the UPSC mains. No matter how well you have performed for the General Studies paper. Read your basic school NCERT textbook from class 5th to 10th to cover the math’s portion in CSAT.

Start with some basic concepts and move on to higher concepts after understanding them.

Write down all the formulas and revise them regularly. Also, work on logical reasoning.

Try to learn the square of numbers, multiplication tables, square roots etc.

Don’t panic but work on Math’s with a relaxed mind to make the most out of your CSAT paper

Also, solve the previous year’s question paper.

Some other things to keep in mind

  • Keep in mind that you have only a limited number of attempts so take this exam seriously. the last minute study will not help you to pass the exam. 
  • Keep a proper schedule to study because everything cannot be reviewed at once.
  • It is good to schedule the topics over a period of time to cover the vast syllabus
  • Every candidate has a different style of learning so try to understand which one is yours. It will help you to memorize and retain the knowledge. 
  • A coaching institute can really help you but research a lot to find one that can help you and make you memorize everything.
  • Constant revision is very helpful important to revise everything you have learned so that you don’t forget anything in the actual exam.
  • The constant study hours lead to physical tiredness and unable to retain what you have learned. So take small breaks whenever needed. When your mind is overburdened you will not be able to remember a single thing so it is best to allow your body and mind to rest.
  • Just solving mock test series is not as sufficient but timing yourself is also essential. You will get a limited amount of time in the actual exam so make sure you can solve the paper within time.
  • And lastly, write the exam with confidence as you have put a lot of effort into your study. 

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