Amendment in International Solar Alliance Framework Agreement

Amendment in International Solar Alliance Framework Agreement 

  • All members of the United Nations can join the International Solar Alliance under the recently amended International Solar Alliances (ISA) Framework Agreement.
  • The said amendment comes into effect from July 15, 2020, after the necessary ratification / approval have been received from the required number of member states mandated by the ISA Framework Agreement.
  • The framework agreement now allows all member states of the United Nations to join the International Solar Alliances after the ISA’s amendment came into force.

International Solar Alliance (Background):

  • The ISA has been established in accordance with the COP-21 (Paris) Declaration. The ISA Framework Agreement came into force on 6 December 2017, and it formally came into being as an international inter-governmental organization based on the treaty.
  • The aim of this association is to promote the production of solar energy so that dependence on petrol and diesel can be reduced.
  • The main goal of ISA is to produce 1,000 GW of solar energy worldwide and to manage an investment of $ 1,000 billion in solar energy by 2030.
  • It is an international, inter-governmental union based on mutual agreement.
  • So far 54 countries have signed its Framework Agreement.
  • It is a federation of 121 countries that are rich in solar light.
  • These countries are completely or partially located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
  • It is headquartered in India and its interim secretariat is currently being set up in Gurugram.

Source – The Hindu

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