Youth Destination IAS
Youth Destination itself has a big narration; youth implies a situation where you have lot of potential to do any thing with ample amount of discretion and destination means the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken.
Some Words From Our Chairman
Vision of Youth Destination
“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.”
– Rosabeth Moss Kanter
As it is clear by the name of our institute, “we have not only vision but we will try to inculcate value with a mission”.
So, mission is crystal clear for all of us want to serve our country by entering in the administrative machinery of our country. For that we will try to make your path simple and clear with conducive educational environment, because we believe only in the success of student in terms of moral, social, spiritual and economics success.
We will try to become synonymous of success for UPSC civil services exam preparation by following way
Why Youth Destination
Work at Youth Destination
Work For Excellence
To create an excellent competitive environment in student community by virtue of imparting qualitative education with consolidated strategy and scientific approach to produce proficient administrators.
Integration of Syllabus
To provide the ability to integrate relevant issues with UPSC syllabus and to provide the capability of writing the best answer having multiple dimensions
Seance of Ownership
We don't work as a teacher we are the student and learning outcome improvement is our primary responsibility
Work on Innovation
We are always looking to disrupt - the minds at our office are always at work to conceptualize something new and to remove chaff from wheat and then serve you wheat in form of best quality materials
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Address – 639 Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi, IN, 110009