7 Horrible Mistakes you are making by not joining UPSC/IAS Test Series
Do you also think that UPSC/IAS exam is the mother of all exams like the rest of other students? Guys!! No need to worry! It’s just also an exam. Nothing more than it! Don’t make it a target larger than his life. There is no need to study up to twenty hours or more daily. The preparation of the IAS exam is only a phase of your life not your whole life. So take it easy! And prepare for this exam in a smart way rather than harder one. An aspirant, who is preparing for civil service examination, can easily understand the value of test series in his regular preparation. It’s necessary to take mock tests for prelims and main exam so that you can increase the chance of your selection. A lot of mock tests are available both in online and offline mode. Don’t make these mistakes while solving these mock tests.
- The quality of mock tests is the main thing that you have to see first. Your half battle is conquered if you select a quality mock test series. The most probable questions are available here.
- A standard mock test series should be the model of the actual IAS exam test series. Solve it in that time period which is prescribed. If you are not attempting test series in a fixed time then it will not be beneficial for you.
- Enroll yourself in the ‘Pan India Competition’ so that you can examine your performance level and there will be a chance to improve your ranks also.
- If you want to get excellency in any field, practice on a regular basis and revision are must. So don’t skip this while preparing for the UPSC exam also. Human memory sharpens when you revise the same thing again and again. Just solving mock tests only once is not sufficient. Resolve the mock tests to improve your performance.
- Some aspirants don’t analyse their weak points as well as strong ones. Point out those areas from where you’re getting maximum and minimum also. Thus you can improve your performance in mock test series.
- Focus on the easiest questions, not the difficult ones. Civil service candidates make this mistake a lot. UPSC exam is a mixture of easy, tough and moderate questions. You have to not forget your task in tangling difficult questions. Every student has a mind set that the IAS exam is the toughest exam. Some coaching institutes or online classes also prove this perspective true by adding so difficult questions in their mock test series. So don’t focus on the difficulty level of the mock test series’ question but see the probability of their coming in the exam.
- IAS’s Toppers suggest that mock tests are really of immense importance but then also some students postpone/delay it until the last time. If you want to complete your IAS journey smoothly, this is the right advice for you. Practice mock test series regularly. Don’t delay it otherwise you will panic at last when you will appear in the actual UPSC exam.
There is no need to give excuses. Join mock test series today and make your practice far better. Competition is very tough these days and the difficulty level is increasing day by day. Make fast your thinking process. Create your own strategy and attitude to crack this exam. Standard mock test series will make your dream come true.